If you do decide to use free public Wi-Fi, be careful about the types of sites you visit. Anybody on the same network could spy on your information if they have the know-how When a Wi-Fi hotspot is unsecured, that means data you transmit or receive is unprotected. Some airports offer free, time-limited Wi-Fi, but whether it’s secure is always an unknown. If you’re flying to your destination, you may plan on catching up on emails or posting your status on social media. These include the Wi-Fi network at your airport, cafe Wi-Fi networks, and hotel Wi-Fi networks. Here are three top spots you’re likely to spend some of your travel time, and how-to tips for using public Wi-Fi safely at each one. Is hotel Wi-Fi safe? That’s a legitimate question to ask. But by using unsecured public Wi-Fi while you travel, you could be exposing data that could make your online accounts vulnerable and put you at risk for identity theft. You’d never leave your passport laying around your hotel room, giving others access to your personal information. Think of your mobile device as your online passport. But traveling safely today also means protecting yourself when using public Wi-Fi. There was a time when traveling safely meant securing your passport, keeping your wallet out of the hands of thieves, and making sure you didn’t lose your credit cards.